Even if you are at home, it is extremely important that you put time aside throughout the day to keep yourself active. Even if you are only up and moving for thirty minutes – it is better than not moving at all! Not only does staying active help to improve and upkeep your health, but it also helps you to become a better golf player. Here are some at-home workouts that you can incorporate into your daily routine to improve your health and your game: 

  • Abs, abs, abs. No matter where you are or what time of day it is, you can always incorporate some ab workouts to help build your core. There are many free workouts online that you can look into for an intense, hard ab workout that will leave your core burning. The stronger your core is, the better shape your back will be in.
  • Practice your swing. Place yourself in front of a mirror and practice your swing repeatedly. You will be surprised how much arm work this will take after a few rounds of practice. Standing in front of the mirror will help you to really notice your form and what can be improved. 
  • HIIT workouts. High intensity interval training is key to building stamina, which you will need out on the course. Whether you are doing some jumping jacks, going for a run or mountain climbers, spiking up your heart rate is a great way to stay in shape.