Whenever you get the opportunity to play one of the best golf courses in your respective state, you do it. With the quality of the course, comes some good and bad things.

Here are some of the pros and cons of playing nice courses.


  1. Bragging rights: Your buddies always brag when they play fun courses with the in laws, or for a college friend’s bachelor party. So it is your turn to play a nice course and get to brag to your buddies. Everyone has a list of courses they want to play and it is always nice to knock some off.
  2. Cool new clothes: Playing a course like Salem Country Club, they have a cool logo and stocking up o some new swag is always fun. It is a great conversation starter when playing with strangers or wearing it out casually. Not only do the logos have to be cool, some pro shops have some crazy polo’s you’ll never see elsewhere.
  3. New course: Playing the same course, over and over and over again is about as bad as you would think. So playing a new course can be fun. New dog legs, new greens and new challenges.
  4. Fun greens: It is hard to find a nice course, with slow greens that don’t move very well. The nice courses usually have lightning fast greens that move a lot. This makes the game fun because it adds an entire other aspect to the game. Public courses, you reach the green and you kind of hammer the ball at the hole.


  1. Tough greens: Yeah, like I said before. Fast greens that move. That can also come back to haunt you. if you miss the green on the wrong side, you are screwed. If you hit It a little wrong… you are screwed. So get ready to focus up on the greens.
  2. New course: A pro, and a con. Playing a new course can be tough, unless you have a caddie. Without a caddie playing a new course comes down to looking at the little pictures on the scorecard and hoping for the best. Without a caddie, it is a lot of hoping that your better judgment will pay off.
  3. Rough roughs: You know those roughs back home that you kind of want to be in because your ball sits up in it. Makes it so much easier to hit the ball, who cares about the spin, you’re not that good anyways. Here at nicer courses, the rough is a nightmare. Finding your ball is the first trick, the next magic trick you must pull is whether to wedge out or swing out of your boots and hope it gets out.

Try to play as many new courses as possible, the pros outweigh the cons.